Thursday, June 18, 2009


I need a laptop that i can arrive to many places. For that reason I want buy the better because I the need for job. In Colombia have many marks of laptop some good anothers not. Before I have a laptop HP is a good laptop but with the time it descomposed. I like the laptop that have many programs good that have my favourite color (pink) ; the small laptop are better for me because you can arrive to many place in you bag. I need a laptop good but not expensive in conclution, I want a laptop small, pink color, with exellent tecnology and not expensive. I buy my laptop in Chinook because are very beautiful have different style and aren't expensive. IS THE BETTER PLACE BUT I BUY MY LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Laptops are pretty cheap these days. They used to be really expensive!
