Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Once upon a time two ants that go through the woods and found a puddle. Is impossible to cross, if you wait for an animal that can lead to other side. This happens a rabbit being offered ones. One of the ants that it was very corny tells the rabbit: No, we will not cross with you because these dirty and disgusting and we are going to stain! When the rabbit is gone, can see a couple of straws and decide to jump on them, like a boat to cross the pond. When iban in half of the pond, an evil wind that made the straws were sunk and two ants fell into the water. 
Moral: Better to two rabbit dirty straw wrong. 


When children are small it is common that bed-wetting. is a child at each stage of their growth. There are many reasons why children wet, but the most common is when they take lots of fluids during the day and do not go to the bathroom, this causes the child to hold all that fluid in your blister. Is good advice that you gave but there is also an easy way to solve this problem, some times it works. When the child is asleep you have to say q in the ear that feels like comin to the bathroom to urinate, and it seems not real easy but when the child is asleep and will absorb everything you can do that. If this the other day who urinated on will help to clean the bed and I think the worse of wetting.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I need a laptop that i can arrive to many places. For that reason I want buy the better because I the need for job. In Colombia have many marks of laptop some good anothers not. Before I have a laptop HP is a good laptop but with the time it descomposed. I like the laptop that have many programs good that have my favourite color (pink) ; the small laptop are better for me because you can arrive to many place in you bag. I need a laptop good but not expensive in conclution, I want a laptop small, pink color, with exellent tecnology and not expensive. I buy my laptop in Chinook because are very beautiful have different style and aren't expensive. IS THE BETTER PLACE BUT I BUY MY LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dolphin with dogs

The animal that I escogi is a dolphin ... the dolphins are animalvery tender and nice. They are dangerous but I feel very identified with them.They are very big. With big and nice eyes. They live in the water and are recognized because say that they protejen to the human beingFinally. They are my favorite animals.These are not pets but if they are my favorite animals .... i like them to help in order that nobody was hurting them.

But my better pet is the dog. Because it is the animal mas intelligently and friends delhombre is a great animal

Thursday, May 28, 2009

DAY OF LUCK!!!! I will travel for around the world, know many culture and diferent types of life. In the world the better city i want know ROME because is a place very beautiful and grandiose. I will pay a big house in PARIS, i love this city it's very breathtaking about of the great structure. I want too help people with diferent disabilities; creat of fundation but help child. i like the cars in special i want pay a LAMBORGUINI is a spectacular car. With 10 million i too buy many houses in diferent place but many children that haven't money. The money that does not spend I save it for the future.To invite all my friends of ESL to the best place of my country.
I hope can won a lot money!!!!!!!!.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The best place to live is Colombia, but especially to live in Bogota the Colombia capital. It´s a very beautiful and big place, where you can make different activities about amusement, study or work. Colombia is a place of many business and you have many opportunities for the education. I think that the life has opportunities in this country because it possesses many possiblities. This culture in this country is a very grandiose and beautiful. It´s has different places about education, nature or sport for example: museums, parks, libraries, coliseums etc. The education is very good in the school or universities. It has many options to be able to study. The study programs in Bogota are vary good because offer different possibilities to be able to study. Finally, the best is the food because very delicious, healthy is and always prepare it with love. In conclution, it is a city where you can make a good future.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


My name is Lorena, I am 17 years old and I’m from Colombia. I'm a dancer, and I teach to dance different rhythms of music to young and adults. I practice in my free hours. I dance many kinds of music, but in especially I dance hip-hop.
I want to learn how to dance flamenco and ballet, they are one of the dances that are beautiful and aesthetic. I want to be a very famous dancer and to learn many other rhythms of dance.
I like this, and I get many feelings in my body, I can express myself when I’m dancing.